Willow and Gemma Intern Pic.png


  • Jun 22, 2018
  • Intern Blog
  • Blossom Lewis
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    Each year Experience Days excitedly welcomes two new interns to our team. This year it's time to meet Willow and Gemma who have both recently finished their 2nd year at Bournemouth University. So, of course, we've asked them some all important questions so we can get to know them. 

    1.       First off, tell us a little about yourselves.

    Willow: Hello everyone! I’m Willow and I’m originally from Eastbourne, studying BA Marketing Communications at Bournemouth University. I can’t wait for this year to begin at Experience Days, learning new skills and being able to get involved with activities I wouldn’t usually have the chance to try! I always love to be busy, whether that involves popping to the gym, cooking new foods or exploring new places. I recently went to Prague, which I would highly recommend!

    Gemma: Hi I’m Gemma and I study BSc Marketing at Bournemouth University. I am currently in my placement year with Experience Days, which I am very excited about! I have always been an outdoors person with a desire for adventure, so this job seemed to be the perfect fit. My hobbies include swimming, which led to me completing my bronze and silver medallion in life guarding! Also, I was part of Bournemouth’s varsity lacrosse team, which was lots of fun and channelled my competitive nature.

    2.       What enticed you to apply for the Marketing intern role here at Experience Days?

    Willow: After spotting a Brighton position online in the marketing segment I was immediately engaged to find out more! The job description matched my ideal placement role, so I was quick to apply. Since previously working at Next, I knew I enjoyed working and communicating with customers and suppliers. In addition to this, I was enticed by the opportunity to blog our experiences which would develop my creative writing skills ready for final year. 

    Gemma: When I came across this position on my universities career portal I was pleasantly surprised that it was based in Brighton. This is only a short train journey from my hometown, meaning I am able to live at home for my placement year and take full advantage of my mums cooking! In addition, the opportunity of taking part in lots of activities seemed very exciting! Furthermore, I like the fact you are given lots of responsibility and trust in the job role, enabling me to learn a lot about the career I hope to go into.


    3.       Were you nervous for your first day at Experience Days, if so what most for?

    Willow: Personally, I was most nervous for making a good impression amongst the team and ensuring my work was up to their standards. Luckily enough everyone has been really welcoming, and the current interns have been great with showing us the ropes of the company. Those early starts were ringing red alarm bells, however, since beginning I have found it easier than I first thought!!

    Gemma: I was nervous for my first day but mostly excited! Willow and I were lucky to have known each other from School/University so this made the transition into a new job a lot easier. I was most worried about having to answer customer queries from an early stage when I didn’t have a lot of background knowledge on the company and how things operate. However, the team have been lovely and slowly introducing us into their work methods.

    4.       What experiences are you most excited to undertake?

    Willow: The food!! Whether that be learning, creating or EATING! All sounds great to me. As well as this, anything to do with exploring new sights from heights or driving at fast speeds would be amazing …maybe not Gemma’s idea of heaven but I’m sure she’ll love it! This includes helicopter rides, flying lessons or perhaps driving a supercar! A final thrill, although cliché, would have to be skydiving, what an incredible experience that would be to tick off the bucket list! To be honest anything for an adrenaline rush is my kind of fun.

    Gemma: There is a countless number of experiences I am looking forward to! I have always loved the water so anything water related I am very excited to participate in, whether this be flyboarding or snorkelling! Surfing has always looked incredibly fun and having only been bodyboarding, learning to surf would be a major step up but a challenge I’m ready to accept. Also, I would love to go white water rafting down a river with crashing waves. I can imagine our go pro footage would be hilarious to look back on. In addition, it is fair to say I am food obsessed! I love trying new cuisines when on holiday, but I would not recommend snails or octopus... Whether Willow and I are going for afternoon tea or learning to cook I will be in my element.

    5.       What attributes and skills do you most want to develop throughout this role?

    Willow: I’m mainly looking forward to working in the real world of marketing within an office environment where my work is being used for others to see and benefit from, I feel this will be really rewarding. During my role, I hope to build on my creative abilities, when dealing with blog guides and social media posts as well as gaining more experience when dealing with customers and suppliers.

    Gemma: Having studied Marketing at Uni for two years I am excited to put what I have read in books into action. With the world going digital, having the opportunity to learn first hand about how to edit a website and update all social media platforms not only for the UK company, but the South Africa company too is valuable experience.

    Thank you Gemma and Willow for answering our questions! We think you'll do a great job throughout the year. A massive good luck, you're going to have so much fun!

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