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  • Apr 23, 2018
  • Outdoors , Adventure
  • Blossom Lewis
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    As you can imagine, tours like this wonderful Brighton White Cliffs Bike Tour would preferably be completed on a beautiful sunny day. Well, we hit the jackpot with the weather! As we strolled down to Brighton seafront, the sun was shining and the look of spring filled the streets. We quickly noticed the Bike Shop along the seafront to the right of the pier - an ideal location for bike rentals throughout the summer months.

    We were welcomed by a friendly tour guide called Mark who immediately mentioned we had the chance to choose our own bikes for the tour. Of course, we went and chose brightly coloured bikes with wicker baskets at the front!

    Mark ran through what we would be doing throughout the tour, which included a gentle cycle over to the beautiful village of Rottingdean. So, shortly after this, we began our tour along the white cliffs in Brighton. We admired the beautiful seafront which looked more like somewhere in the Mediterranean - it was such a wonderful day.

    As we made our way towards the marina, Mark mentioned various historic landmarks and points of interest. These included Madeira Drive and Volks Railway, in Brighton, then one of the world's most famous schools for girls close by to the Marina. At this point, we also enjoyed looking at the fancy boats harboured in the Marina. Following on, we continued to Rottingdean and enjoyed the undercliff path where waves would bounce off the concrete wall from the sea. This led to us getting sprayed by the sea water - although, this was enjoyable on such a hot day!

    Once we had made it to Rottingdean, I was immediately in ore of how beautiful this quaint village was. It had beautiful old buildings and shops, it really was a wonderful traditional English village. We later found out it was home to Rudyard Kipling the author of the Jungle Book. We travelled past his beautiful house and went through the colourful gardens. I must say, this was a true delight and one of my favourite parts of the tour. We also found out that Rottingdean used to be a village for smuggling in goods from other countries. 

    Upon leaving Kipling’s gardens, we went over to St Margaret’s church as Mark was keen to show us something completely unique to this graveyard - a pirate’s grave! You’d have to be a special pirate to receive such a thing. We then noticed the Tudor Houses which used to accommodate the rich and famous back when it was a hotel.

    Mark then began to lead us out of the church yard and back towards the sea front, while also passing a few final points of interest. As we looked back along the White Cliffs of Brighton it looked incredible. Travelling back along the undercliff path was also one of my favourite parts of the tour - it’s one of Brighton’s little gems.

    Once we got closer to the bustling town of Brighton, Mark reminded us of the delicious ice-cream we’d be able to enjoy at an award-winning ice-cream shop. I was looking forward to this part after our lovely bike ride. As we entered the shop, there were a scrumptious selection. I opted for the salted caramel ice-cream while Rebecca went for the chocolate - and they were both divine!

    As we continued to eat our Ice-creams, we headed back to the bike shop to finish our tour. I must say this was an incredible Bike Tour Experience, and our guide Mark was fantastic. You could tell he was a local and loved the area he lives in. He had brilliant facts and interesting history about Brighton and the surrounding area. Thank you again for having us!

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